Topic created on: September 4, 2012 20:14 CDT by
Oh! There is the forum for IDA!
I'm sorry, My english is poor.
Help me, please!
I have a file written with MFC to debug.
I opened it by IDA 5.x, but all routines is shown with "sub_40****" form.
I want the Runtime and MFC lib functions showing as it's standard name.
Help me, Give me, resolution method and ida plug-in, IDC file or scripts
Thank you
Thank you very much!
OK! Name Found! But ATL function name not found
Teache me! What is this function name
I think this like ATL lib function
text:00403E30 sub_403E30 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_4020F0+CBp
.text:00403E30 ; sub_4020F0+109p ...
.text:00403E30 Src = dword ptr 4
.text:00403E30 arg_4 = dword ptr 8
.text:00403E30 000 push ebp
.text:00403E31 004 push edi
.text:00403E32 008 mov edi, [esp+8+arg_4]
.text:00403E36 008 mov ebp, ecx
.text:00403E38 008 test edi, edi
.text:00403E3A 008 jnz short loc_403E46
.text:00403E3C 008 call ?Empty@?$CSimpleStringT@_W$0A@@ATL@@QAEXXZ ; ATL::CSimpleStringT<wchar_t,0>::Empty(void)
.text:00403E41 008 pop edi
.text:00403E42 004 pop ebp
.text:00403E43 000 retn 8
.text:00403E46 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00403E46 loc_403E46: ; CODE XREF: sub_403E30+Aj
.text:00403E46 008 push esi
.text:00403E47 00C mov esi, [esp+0Ch+Src]
.text:00403E4B 00C test esi, esi
.text:00403E4D 00C jnz short loc_403E59
.text:00403E4F 00C push 80070057h
.text:00403E54 010 call ?AtlThrowImpl@ATL@@YGXJ@Z ; ATL::AtlThrowImpl(long)
.text:00403E59 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00403E59 loc_403E59: ; CODE XREF: sub_403E30+1Dj
.text:00403E59 00C mov eax, [ebp+0]
.text:00403E5C 00C mov edx, [eax-8]
.text:00403E5F 00C mov ecx, 1
.text:00403E64 00C sub ecx, [eax-4]
.text:00403E67 00C sub esi, eax
.text:00403E69 00C sub edx, edi
.text:00403E6B 00C sar esi, 1
.text:00403E6D 00C or ecx, edx
.text:00403E6F 00C push ebx
.text:00403E70 010 mov ebx, [eax-0Ch]
.text:00403E73 010 jge short loc_403E7D
.text:00403E75 010 push edi
.text:00403E76 014 mov ecx, ebp
.text:00403E78 014 call ?PrepareWrite2@?$CSimpleStringT@_W$0A@@ATL@@AAEXH@Z ; ATL::CSimpleStringT<wchar_t,0>::PrepareWrite2(int)
.text:00403E7D loc_403E7D: ; CODE XREF: sub_403E30+43j
.text:00403E7D 010 mov eax, [ebp+0]
.text:00403E80 010 mov edx, [eax-8]
.text:00403E83 010 add edx, edx
.text:00403E85 010 cmp esi, ebx
.text:00403E87 010 lea ebx, [edi+edi]
.text:00403E8A 010 push ebx ; MaxCount
.text:00403E8B 014 ja short loc_403E9A
.text:00403E8D 014 lea ecx, [eax+esi*2]
.text:00403E90 014 push ecx ; Src
.text:00403E91 018 push edx ; DstSize
.text:00403E92 01C push eax ; Dst
.text:00403E93 020 call _memmove_s
.text:00403E98 020 jmp short loc_403EA6
.text:00403E9A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00403E9A loc_403E9A: ; CODE XREF: sub_403E30+5Bj
.text:00403E9A 014 mov ecx, [esp+14h+Src]
.text:00403E9E 014 push ecx ; Src
.text:00403E9F 018 push edx ; DstSize
.text:00403EA0 01C push eax ; Dst
.text:00403EA1 020 call _memcpy_s
.text:00403EA6 loc_403EA6: ; CODE XREF: sub_403E30+68j
.text:00403EA6 020 add esp, 10h
.text:00403EA9 010 test edi, edi
.text:00403EAB 010 jl short loc_403EC8
.text:00403EAD 010 mov eax, [ebp+0]
.text:00403EB0 010 cmp edi, [eax-8]
.text:00403EB3 010 jg short loc_403EC8
.text:00403EB5 010 mov [eax-0Ch], edi
.text:00403EB8 010 mov eax, [ebp+0]
.text:00403EBB 010 xor ecx, ecx
.text:00403EBD 010 mov [ebx+eax], cx
.text:00403EC1 010 pop ebx
.text:00403EC2 00C pop esi
.text:00403EC3 008 pop edi
.text:00403EC4 004 pop ebp
.text:00403EC5 000 retn 8
.text:00403EC8 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00403EC8 loc_403EC8: ; CODE XREF: sub_403E30+7Bj
.text:00403EC8 ; sub_403E30+83j
.text:00403EC8 010 push 80070057h
.text:00403ECD 014 call ?AtlThrowImpl@ATL@@YGXJ@Z ; ATL::AtlThrowImpl(long)
.text:00403ECD sub_403E30 endp