Hi All,
I have a pretty dummy question. I would like to update IDA DB change for instance a call eax to a deobfuscated library function that are dynamically loaded through LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress.
.text:10021C18 push 0
.text:10021C1A push 0
.text:10021C1C push 0
.text:10021C1E push 2
.text:10021C20 push 0
.text:10021C22 push ebp
.text:10021C23 push offset aDsfbufgjmfnbqq ; CreateFileMappingA
.text:10021C28 call f_deobfuscate
.text:10021C2D add esp, 4
.text:10021C30 call eax <- This is the one to replace
I would like to replace the call eax with the relevant CreateFileMappingA, then IDA would automatically (since it has FLIRT related to CreateFileMappingA) comments related to the function parameters.
I googled about it, read about FLIRT and did not find a solution even though I thought would be common to people doing it however I'm not sure if that is possible.
Any suggestions?