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 Forums >>  Brainstorms - General  >>  # mystic hello world program

Topic created on: December 2, 2008 18:43 CST by nezumi .

1) take HELLO WORLD program by Jack Applin and Robert Heckendorn, 1985;


2) count the size of the source code - it's 128 bytes;

3) compile the program by MS VC 6 with /Ox key (max. opt.);

4) count the size of the machine code (w/o data) - it's 128 bytes;

5) subj.

P.S. how to debug it? I think the best solution - to inject breakpoints into exe file. do you have another idea to share?

  anonymouse     December 3, 2008 10:39.11 CST
is it a requirement that this be compiled with msvc and with /ox option only no other compilers acceptable ?

i used bcc 5.5 and it seem i have no problems breaking

00401150 nezhell.main     PUSH    EBP                                                      ; main(v,c)char**c;{for(v[c++]="Hello,world!\n)";(!!c)[*c]&&(v--||--c&&execlp(*c,*c,c[!!c]+!!c,!c));**c=!c)write(!!*c,*c,!!**c);}
00401151                  MOV     EBP, ESP
00401153                  PUSH    EBX
00401154                  PUSH    ESI
00401155                  MOV     EBX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+C]
00401158                  MOV     ESI, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+8]
0040115B                  MOV     DWORD PTR DS:[EBX+ESI*4], nezhell.0040A128
00401162                  ADD     EBX, 4
00401165                  JMP     SHORT nezhell.0040119B
00401167                  /MOV     EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[EBX]
00401169                  |MOVSX   EDX, BYTE PTR DS:[EAX]
0040116C                  |CMP     EDX, 1
0040116F                  |SBB     ECX, ECX
00401171                  |NEG     ECX
00401173                  |CMP     ECX, 1
00401176                  |SBB     EAX, EAX
00401178                  |NEG     EAX
0040117A                  |PUSH    EAX
0040117B                  |PUSH    DWORD PTR DS:[EBX]
0040117D                  |CMP     DWORD PTR DS:[EBX], 0
00401180                  |SETNE   DL
00401183                  |AND     EDX, 1
00401186                  |PUSH    EDX
00401187                  |CALL    nezhell.___org_write
0040118C                  |ADD     ESP, 0C
0040118F                  |TEST    EBX, EBX
00401191                  |SETE    CL
00401194                  |AND     ECX, 1
00401197                  |MOV     EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[EBX]
00401199                  |MOV     BYTE PTR DS:[EAX], CL
0040119B                   TEST    EBX, EBX
0040119D                  |SETNE   DL
004011A0                  |AND     EDX, 1
004011A3                  |MOV     ECX, DWORD PTR DS:[EBX]
004011A5                  |CMP     BYTE PTR DS:[ECX+EDX], 0
004011A9                  |JE      SHORT nezhell.004011EC
004011AB                  |MOV     EAX, ESI
004011AD                  |ADD     ESI, -1
004011B0                  |TEST    EAX, EAX
004011B2                  |JNZ     SHORT nezhell.00401167
004011B4                  |SUB     EBX, 4
004011B7                  |JE      SHORT nezhell.004011EC
004011B9                  |TEST    EBX, EBX
004011BB                  |SETE    DL
004011BE                  |AND     EDX, 1
004011C1                  |PUSH    EDX
004011C2                  |TEST    EBX, EBX
004011C4                  |SETNE   CL
004011C7                  |AND     ECX, 1
004011CA                  |MOV     EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[EBX+ECX*4]
004011CD                  |TEST    EBX, EBX
004011CF                  |SETNE   DL
004011D2                  |AND     EDX, 1
004011D5                  |ADD     EAX, EDX
004011D7                  |PUSH    EAX
004011D8                  |PUSH    DWORD PTR DS:[EBX]
004011DA                  |PUSH    DWORD PTR DS:[EBX]
004011DC                  |CALL    nezhell.___org_execlp
004011E1                  |ADD     ESP, 10
004011E4                  |TEST    EAX, EAX
004011E6                  \JNZ     nezhell.00401167
004011EC                  POP     ESI                                                      ; main(v,c)char**c;{for(v[c++]="Hello,world!\n)";(!!c)[*c]&&(v--||--c&&execlp(*c,*c,c[!!c]+!!c,!c));**c=!c)write(!!*c,*c,!!**c);}
004011ED                  POP     EBX
004011EE                  POP     EBP
004011EF                  RETN

  nezumi     December 5, 2008 12:43.04 CST
> is it a requirement that this be compiled with msvc
> and with /ox option only no other compilers acceptable ?
> i used bcc 5.5 and it seem i have no problems breaking

feel free to use any compiler :-)
you can trace the program for a while, but you can't debug it. I mean, the program calls itself (004011DC: CALL nezhell.___org_execlp), thus execlp() is the last function executed under the debugger. software/hardware breakpoints don't work inside children calls and besides, children calls "escape" out of the debugger. system creates a new process w/o DEBUG flag, thus we lost the control. ops!

just try to trace the program to output the whole string (not only to execute a few commands). OllyDbg fails to do it. Soft-Ice for W2K remembers hardware breakpoints, so it works, but Soft-Ice for S2K3 does not support global hardware breakpoints, so it fails to debug the program.

I'm not sure that I found the best solution, maybe there is a plugin or something else to do it easier, but my solution works.

P.S. another example to demonstrate the problem:

main(c, v) char **v;{if (--c) printf(v[1]), execlp(v[0], v[0], &v[1][1], 0);}

  anonymouse     December 5, 2008 14:24.27 CST
well then you can try using the modified commandline plugin
get the latest from my repositary (i think the downloads doesnt hold the latest one)

and use its childdbg function to debug the childs in succession

you can also use windbg with its .childdbg command

here is a log of a session tracing this with ollydbg

Log data
Address    Message
           OllyDbg v1.10
           Bookmarks sample plugin v1.06 (plugin demo)
             Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Oleh Yuschuk
           Command line plugin v1.10
             Written by Oleh Yuschuk

           Loading function descriptions from 'common.arg'
             Info: Simple .ARG file that decodes ZwSystemDebugControl

           Console file ' nezhell\nezhell.exe'
           New process with ID 000009E0 created
00401000   Main thread with ID 00000A28 created

7C901230   System startup breakpoint
           hello Childdbg Enabled
00401000   Program entry point
7C802367   CALL to CreateProcessA from nezhell.00406E10
             ModuleFileName = " nezhell\nezhell.exe"
             CommandLine = " \nezhell\nezhell.exe ello,world!
             pProcessSecurity = 0012FE2C
             pThreadSecurity = 0012FE2C
             InheritHandles = TRUE
             CreationFlags = 0
             pEnvironment = NULL
             CurrentDir = NULL
             pStartupInfo = 0012FDE8
             pProcessInfo = 0012FDD8
7C80238E   Breakpoint at kernel32.7C80238E (CreateProcessA+27)
77DD0000   Module C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.DLL
           called from cdbg
           Event 00000003 from different process (ID 00000D8C)

Log data
Address    Message
           OllyDbg v1.10
           Command line: -p 3468
           Loading function descriptions from 'common.arg'
             Info: Simple .ARG file that decodes ZwSystemDebugControl

           New process with ID 00000D8C created
           Main thread with ID 00000D90 created
00400000   Module  nezhell\nezhell.exe
             Debugging information (Borland format) available

7C95077B   New thread with ID 00000DD8 created
           Thread 00000DD8 terminated, exit code 0
           hello Childdbg Enabled
7C802367   CALL to CreateProcessA from nezhell.00406E10
             ModuleFileName = " nezhell\nezhell.exe"
             CommandLine = " \nezhell\nezhell.exe llo,world!
             pProcessSecurity = 0012FE2C
             pThreadSecurity = 0012FE2C
             InheritHandles = TRUE
             CreationFlags = 0
             pEnvironment = NULL
             CurrentDir = NULL
             pStartupInfo = 0012FDE8
             pProcessInfo = 0012FDD8
7C80238E   Breakpoint at kernel32.7C80238E (CreateProcessA+27)
77DD0000   Module C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.DLL
           called from cdbg
           Event 00000003 from different process (ID 000002E8)

Log data
Address    Message
           OllyDbg v1.10
           Command line: -p 744
           Loading function descriptions from 'common.arg'
             Info: Simple .ARG file that decodes ZwSystemDebugControl

           New process with ID 000002E8 created
           Main thread with ID 00000508 created
00400000   Module  nezhell\nezhell.exe
             Debugging information (Borland format) available

           hello Childdbg Enabled
7C802367   CALL to CreateProcessA from nezhell.00406E10
             ModuleFileName = " nezhell\nezhell.exe"
             CommandLine = " \nezhell\nezhell.exe lo,world!
             pProcessSecurity = 0012FE2C
             pThreadSecurity = 0012FE2C
             InheritHandles = TRUE
             CreationFlags = 0
             pEnvironment = NULL
             CurrentDir = NULL
             pStartupInfo = 0012FDE8
             pProcessInfo = 0012FDD8
7C80238E   Breakpoint at kernel32.7C80238E (CreateProcessA+27)
77DD0000   Module C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.DLL

Log data, item 0
Message=Event 00000003 from different process (ID 00000CC4)

Log data
Address    Message
           OllyDbg v1.10
           Command line: -p 3268

           New process with ID 00000CC4 created
           Main thread with ID 00000D54 created

           hello Childdbg Enabled
7C802367   CALL to CreateProcessA from nezhell.00406E10
             ModuleFileName = " nezhell\nezhell.exe"
             CommandLine = " \nezhell\nezhell.exe o,world!
             pProcessSecurity = 0012FE2C
             pThreadSecurity = 0012FE2C
             InheritHandles = TRUE
             CreationFlags = 0
             pEnvironment = NULL
             CurrentDir = NULL
             pStartupInfo = 0012FDE8
             pProcessInfo = 0012FDD8
7C80238E   Breakpoint at kernel32.7C80238E (CreateProcessA+27)
77DD0000   Module C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.DLL
Log data, item 0
Message=Event 00000003 from different process (ID 00000ADC)

           New process with ID 00000ADC created
           Main thread with ID 00000704 created

           hello Childdbg Enabled
7C802367   CALL to CreateProcessA from nezhell.00406E10
             ModuleFileName = " nezhell\nezhell.exe"
             CommandLine = " \nezhell\nezhell.exe ,world!
             pProcessSecurity = 0012FE2C
             pThreadSecurity = 0012FE2C
             InheritHandles = TRUE
             CreationFlags = 0
             pEnvironment = NULL
             CurrentDir = NULL
             pStartupInfo = 0012FDE8
             pProcessInfo = 0012FDD8
7C80238E   Breakpoint at kernel32.7C80238E (CreateProcessA+27)
77DD0000   Module C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.DLL
           called from cdbg
           Event 00000003 from different process (ID 000000BC)

           New process with ID 000000BC created
           Main thread with ID 000006CC created

           hello Childdbg Enabled
7C802367   CALL to CreateProcessA from nezhell.00406E10
             ModuleFileName = " nezhell\nezhell.exe"
             CommandLine = " \nezhell\nezhell.exe world!
             pProcessSecurity = 0012FE2C
             pThreadSecurity = 0012FE2C
             InheritHandles = TRUE
             CreationFlags = 0
             pEnvironment = NULL
             CurrentDir = NULL
             pStartupInfo = 0012FDE8
             pProcessInfo = 0012FDD8
7C80238E   Breakpoint at kernel32.7C80238E (CreateProcessA+27)
77DD0000   Module C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.DLL
           called from cdbg
           Event 00000003 from different process (ID 00000C64)

           hello Childdbg Enabled
7C802367   CALL to CreateProcessA from nezhell.00406E10
             ModuleFileName = " nezhell\nezhell.exe"
             CommandLine = " \nezhell\nezhell.exe !
             pProcessSecurity = 0012FE2C
             pThreadSecurity = 0012FE2C
             InheritHandles = TRUE
             CreationFlags = 0
             pEnvironment = NULL
             CurrentDir = NULL
             pStartupInfo = 0012FDE8
             pProcessInfo = 0012FDD8
7C80238E   Breakpoint at kernel32.7C80238E (CreateProcessA+27)
77DD0000   Module C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.DLL

Log data, item 9
Message=  CommandLine = " \nezhell\nezhell.exe


there are syncro problems in this command if the child loads lots of dlls this command fails with dll_init_failure
c0000142 i havent yet found time to find out why

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