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Created: Monday, December 6 2010 13:19.11 CST  
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Reversing a Crack: Unpacking and the Fake IAT
Author: johnnycannuk # Views: 22458

Part of the new day job is to figure out how things get "cracked" and what to recommend how to prevent it.Seemed simple enough, though to be honest, most of my reversing has been to understand how things work, rather than for malware and cracking. That means that while I can read x86 ASM and understand Windows system calls etc, I was not that great at unpacking and rebuilding IATs - stuff essential for getting a proper PE image that can be reverse in IDA Pro without issues. So, to sharpen my skills and to learn some new techniques, I decided to try reversing an crack to discover how it worked.

The Game: Zuma Deluxe from Zylom
The Crack: Zylom.Zuma.Deluxe. from keygens.nl


Immunity DBG (with Olly PEDumper)
Olly 1.10 with Olly Advanced and OllyDump
ImpREC 1.7c
CFF Explorer by Daniel Pistelli
IDA Pro v 6.

Resources used:

##re (big thanks to usualsuspect, upb and __jon)
Reviewing lena151 tutorials, specifically 3, 20 and 21 (Thanks lena151 wherever you are!)

Note: I choose Zuma Deluxe for a few reasons. First, it's an older game that I am familiar with. Second, the oringal uncracked version small and easily obtainable for use in differential analysis. THIS ISN'T A TUTORIAL ON CRACKING THE GAME, the is about reversing the crack. Thirdly, this game has literally hundreds of cracks already out there and clearly this is not in anyway affecting Zylom. Once again, Zuma isn't the target of the reversing, the Zuma cracked version is.

Now, with the CMA out of the way, let me say this - the interesting part was not how the crack worked (that was so incredibly easy, even I could have cracked the game without help) by how the crack was packaged. Basically the CRACK had better binary security measures protecting it than the legitimate game.


My plan was to simply reverse the crack in IDA, find the differences between it and the legit binary and figure out if there was a better way. Not so fast, first, unlike the legit binary, the crack was packed.

According to PEiD is was with "PECompact 2.x -> Jeremy Collake". Well the unpacker I had kept failing (despite working on other similarly packed binaries). Time to do some investigating.

What follows in this unpacking section comes from my chat's with usualsuspect on ##re. I present it not as my own doing, but as an educational resource. I learned more about mupping in the last week than I knew there even was to learn (thanks again usualsuspect). The entry point looked like this:

00401000 > $ B8 A8685B00    MOV EAX,Zuma-cra.005B68A8
00401005   . 50             PUSH EAX
00401006   . 64:FF35 000000>PUSH DWORD PTR FS:[0]
0040100D   . 64:8925 000000>MOV DWORD PTR FS:[0],ESP
00401014   . 33C0           XOR EAX,EAX
00401016   . 8908           MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX],ECX
00401018   . 50             PUSH EAX
00401019   . 45             INC EBP
0040101A   . 43             INC EBX
0040101B   . 6F             OUTS DX,DWORD PTR ES:[EDI]               ;  I/O command
0040101C   . 6D             INS DWORD PTR ES:[EDI],DX                ;  I/O command
0040101D   . 70 61          JO SHORT Zuma-cra.00401080
0040101F   . 637432 00      ARPL WORD PTR DS:[EDX+ESI],SI
00401023     A2             DB A2
00401024     46             DB 46                                    ;  CHAR 'F'
00401025     97             DB 97
00401026     FD             DB FD
00401027     8C             DB 8C
00401028     A5             DB A5
00401029     37             DB 37                                    ;  CHAR '7'
0040102A     06             DB 06
0040102B     A1             DB A1

Stepping through it looks like the Zuma-cra.005B68A8 is being installed as a SEH:

0012FFBC   0012FFE0  ��.  Pointer to next SEH record
0012FFC0   005B68A8  �h[.  SE handler
0012FFC4   7C817077  wp�|  RETURN to kernel32.7C817077
0012FFC8   7C910228  (�|  ntdll.7C910228
0012FFCC   FFFFFFFF  ����
0012FFD0   7FFDF000  .��
0012FFD4   8054B6ED  ��T�
0012FFD8   0012FFC8  ��.

So, put a break point on it and go. First thing you notice is that at the code doesn't jump to an unpacking routine, but purposely causes a an error:

00401014   . 33C0           XOR EAX,EAX
00401016   . 8908           MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX],ECX  <-- Access violation since EAX will be 000000

The SEH chain then kicks in. If you Shift-F9 (in either Immunity or Olly) you get to your first breakpoint. This looks very much like an anti-auto-unpacking measure, trying to convince you that the file is corrupt.

005B68A8   B8 2D565BF0      MOV EAX,F05B562D                   <-- breaks here
005B68AD   8D88 9E120010    LEA ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+1000129E]
005B68B3   8941 01          MOV DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+1],EAX
005B68B6   8B5424 04        MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4]
005B68BA   8B52 0C          MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX+C]
005B68BD   C602 E9          MOV BYTE PTR DS:[EDX],0E9
005B68C0   83C2 05          ADD EDX,5
005B68C3   2BCA             SUB ECX,EDX
005B68C5   894A FC          MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDX-4],ECX
005B68C8   33C0             XOR EAX,EAX
005B68CA   C3               RETN
005B68CB   B8 78563412      MOV EAX,12345678            <--- where you eventually end up. Beginning of the unpacking routine
005B68D0   64:8F05 00000000 POP DWORD PTR FS:[0]
005B68D7   83C4 04          ADD ESP,4
005B68DA   55               PUSH EBP
005B68DB   53               PUSH EBX
005B68DC   51               PUSH ECX

F8 and step through slowly, watching the stack and the registers. You'll notice at 005B68BD its writing 0E9 to the address pointed at by EDX. A quick look at the registers shows that this is Zuma-cra.00401016 and this should look familiar - its the faulty MOV that caused the access violation that triggered the SEH in the first place. And 0E9...the mnemonic for JMP. Now, you could place a breakpoint here and single step or you could notice that the value in ECX is being written right after 0E9...basically creating the following command at Zuma-cra.00401016:

JMP Zuma-cra.005B68CB

which is immedialtly following the RETN for the SEH you are in. This is clearly the unpacking routine. If you step through, you'll notice it accessing kernel32, to do lots of writes to the process. It is both decrypting the packed binary and also doing something else. Of course, by the time you see the call to IsDebuggerPresent, it is almost too late. You can either patch by hand, change the flags or restart the process using either Immunity's !hidedebug IsDebuggerPresent or using the same setting in Olly Advanced plugin for Olly. I preferr the easy way.  If you then step through, you get to :

005B6962   8BC6             MOV EAX,ESI
005B6964   5A               POP EDX
005B6965   5E               POP ESI
005B6966   5F               POP EDI
005B6967   59               POP ECX
005B6968   5B               POP EBX
005B6969   5D               POP EBP
005B696A  -FFE0             JMP EAX                                  ; Zuma-cra.004FCF02 <--- OEP
005B696C   02CF             ADD CL,BH
005B696E   4F               DEC EDI
005B696F   0000             ADD BYTE PTR DS:[EAX],AL

So jump to Zuma-cra.004FCF02 and re-analyize in either Immunity or Olly (either built in or AnalyzeThis!) and the code appears, unpacked and ready to run or analyze.


So at this point I decided to dump the process, rebuild the PE and use IDA to do some static analysis. After more than a few tries, I came quickly to the conclusion that Immunity + Olly PE Dumper (the only dumping untility for Immunity I could find) screwed the IAT so completely that it was not recoverable. It seemed to find the IAT of the original packed binary, rather than the newly re-written one from the currently running process. Though many of the dll were the same, there were many more functions and a few more dlls.  I was able to determine this by looking at the Import Directory for the dumped PE in CFF. It was identical to the packed binary, despite the fact that if you step through slowly enough, you can watch the calls to re-write the IAT happen during the unpacking routine run.

Onto Ollydump and Olly. Olly dump seemed to find the correct but only when the "Rebuild Imports" check box was deselected. Otherwise it created no import table all.

Looking at this binary with CFF showed 10 dll imports with close to 250 functions being used. The IAT started at RVA 001AD000 and ended at 001AD464 (001AD458+size of last IAT entry)

The next step, according to Hoyle, is to run ImpREC to rebuild the IAT and get a working binary (or one that can be run through LordPE to get one).

This is were things got weird.

ImpREC and IAT rebuilding

When I entered the new OEP into ImpREC and did an "Autosearch", it seemed to find the IAT and presented me with an RVA of 001ACFFC and a size of 000008CC. Figuring the tool knew more than I did, I accepted this and got the imports. Oddly, I got a list of 20 dll and funtions, not the 10 that were exported in the dump that OllyDump created. More curious, the list repeated itself:


All of the dll were at different addresses. When the dump was fixed with this default, the resulting binary would not run at all. Neither did rebuilding with LordPE help.

At first myself and a few guys on ##re though one part might be the unpacker's IAT and the other might be the IAT for the game, but after  closer examination, this did not seem to be the case. The original had a totally different RVA and size and referenced different functions. This was an exact repeat of the same list twice, with the same function calls, in contiguous rva space that had obviously been written to memory by the unpacker itself.

So I jumped to the start of the IAT at RVA 001ACFFC (0051ACFFC in my CPU pane) and then followed in the dump to see what was there:

005ACFEC  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
005ACFFC  00 00 00 00 B2 7C DF 77 27 6C DD 77 E7 EA DD 77  ....�|�w'l�w���w
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005AD01C  E5 EC DD 77 B8 53 DE 77 F3 BC DF 77 32 43 DE 77  ���w�S�w��w2C�w
005AD02C  60 7B DF 77 D3 79 DF 77 00 00 00 00 16 8D 0C 5D  `{�w�y�w....�.]
005AD03C  00 00 00 00 FF DC F1 77 0D B5 F1 77 C1 61 F1 77  ....���w.��w�a�w
005AD04C  A5 61 F1 77 1C EF F1 77 DB 5E F1 77 56 6A F1 77  �a�w��w�^�wVj�w
005AD05C  77 5D F1 77 4F BA F1 77 71 5A F1 77 00 BF F3 77  w]�wO��wqZ�w.��w
005AD06C  45 DF F1 77 FA 6B F1 77 CE EC F1 77 25 8D F1 77  E��w�k�w���w%��w
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The size reported by ImpREC of 8CC started to look at little large, considering the CFF output showed the IAT address of the last import was only at RVA 001AD458 (0051AD458). So I decided to try setting the size to one that matched the CFF output, changing 8cc to 464.

Sure enough, the dumped binary ran fine (in a VM of course  ;-) ) and IDA had no issues reversing it for analysis.

Looking at the dump above you should notice something...between the last entry starting at 005AD458 and the start of the next at 005AD464 is 000000 - the same that is used to indicate separation between IAT entries. This is why ImpREC thought it was 8CC - it read the memory, parsing it as if 000000 were the delimiter between IAT entries. Wehn running in memory, this meant nothing, as the calls would still work. The extra, duplicate IAT entries, seem to have been written with the sole purpose but to prevent dumping with ImpREC itself.


It was a fantastic challenge and I learned more about PE file formats, IAT structure and mupping than I realized even existed. And I love the irony that the crack had SEH based unpacking routines, anti-debug checking and a fake IAT to prevent (easy) dumping of the unpacked exe - while the legit binary had literally nothing in the way of protection that a level1 crackme had.

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