00401935 ; ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ S U B R O U T I N E ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ 00401935 00401935 EncryptLogs 00401935 push ebx 00401936 push esi 00401937 push edi 00401938 push ebp 00401939 mov edi, offset aAbcdefghijklmn ; 0040193E xor esi, esi 00401940 test ecx, ecx 00401942 jle loc_4019D8
00401948 loc_401948: 00401948 cmp esi, 20 0040194B jbe short loc_401957 0040194D mov byte ptr [edx], 0Dh 00401950 inc edx 00401951 mov byte ptr [edx], 0Ah 00401954 inc edx 00401955 xor esi, esi
00401957 loc_401957: 00401957 xor ebx, ebx 00401959 mov bl, [eax] 0040195B sar ebx, 2 0040195E mov bl, [edi+ebx] 00401961 mov [edx], bl
00401963 xor ebx, ebx 00401965 mov bl, [eax] 00401967 inc edx 00401968 and ebx, 3 0040196B shl ebx, 4 0040196E cmp ecx, 1 00401971 jle short loc_40197C 00401973 movzx ebp, byte ptr [eax+1] 00401977 sar ebp, 4 0040197A jmp short loc_40197E 0040197C ; ------------------------------------------------ 0040197C loc_40197C: 0040197C xor ebp, ebp 0040197E 0040197E loc_40197E: 0040197E or ebx, ebp 00401980 mov bl, [edi+ebx] 00401983 mov [edx], bl
0040198D mov bl, [eax+1] 00401990 shl ebx, 2 00401993 and ebx, 3Ch 00401996 cmp ecx, 2 00401999 jle short loc_4019A4 0040199B movzx ebp, byte ptr [eax+2] 0040199F sar ebp, 6 004019A2 jmp short loc_4019A6 004019A4 ; ------------------------------------------------ 004019A4 loc_4019A4: 004019A4 xor ebp, ebp
004019B9 mov bl, [eax+2] 004019BC and ebx, 3Fh 004019BF mov bl, [edi+ebx]
void decrypt (char *in) { char first, second, third, fourth; int lf_count = 0, i = 0; int byte_count = strlen(in); while (byte_count > 0) { first = index(&in[i]); second = index(&in[i + 1]); third = index(&in[i + 2]); fourth = index(&in[i + 3]); if (byte_count > 2) first = (first << 2) | (second >> 4); else first = (first << 2); printf("%c", first); if (byte_count > 2) { if (byte_count > 3) second = (second << 4) | (third >> 2); else second = (second << 4); } printf("%c", second); if (byte_count > 3) { third = (third << 6) | fourth; printf("%c", third); } i += 4; byte_count -= 4; lf_count++; } }
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