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Created: Saturday, December 16 2006 06:54.32 CST Modified: Saturday, December 16 2006 11:04.15 CST
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API Fuzzing with PaiMei
Author: xz # Views: 10982

I keep myself idle lately coding an API Fuzzer.

The idea is simple:
          -load program
          -set hooks
          -load fuzz testcases in address space
      -fuzzing loop:
        on api call entry:
          first pass
            -save process snapshot ( thread context, memory)
            -get arguments
            -monitor mem access
        on api call return
            -restore memory
            -restore thread context (=> eip on api entry)
            -fuzz api call arguments



extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) void myfun ( int * a,int b,int c);

void main(void)
int a = 6;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void myfun(int * a,int b, int c)
  cout << "a: " << *a << " | b: " << b << " | c: " << c << "\n";

compile and link:

$ cl -LD dll.cpp && cl main.cpp /LINK dll.lib

$ ./main
a: 6 | b: 7 | c: 10

this is the testcase:
hook myfun when called from main and fuzz the arguments...

$ python fuzztest.py | grep a:  # grep to ommit debug prints
a: 6 | b: 7 | c: 10
a: 6 | b: 256 | c: 32
a: 6 | b: 4096 | c: 0
a: 6 | b: 64 | c: 16

great... as b and c are integers they are fuzzed in the 3 fuzzing loops.
To get some more interesting results we have to fuzz all the arguments, i.e. pointers. This appears to be more difficult than expected: I have to monitor which memory locations are
accessed, then fuzz those locations. I thought putting memory breakpoints on the stack would help do the trick but pydbg doesn't support stack memory breakpoints. I'm trying to work around this by setting PAGE_NOACCESS on the stack pages and an access violation callback but this isn't finished yet. I do have a start for a wxpython gui:

Blog Comments
pedram Posted: Saturday, December 16 2006 11:07.06 CST
That's awesome! "In memory" fuzzing is a concept I've been playing with for a bit but I never took it as far as creating a GUI module for PaiMei (which looks fantastic btw).

Are you detecting / handling issues like the target thread locking on a resource? Will you be releasing this as it matures?

xz Posted: Saturday, December 16 2006 11:25.03 CST
I'll release it when I get some usable functionality out of it. I don't have lots of spare time and this is taking more time than expected, I hope to finish v0.01 some day next year :)

jrichards Posted: Tuesday, January 9 2007 15:29.51 CST
This really is great work xz.  I've been thinking about doing this for a while now...

my thoughts were to build something like in v0.01 and then extend it into a distributed application.

I look forward to playing with the release - please keep us updated!

xz Posted: Friday, January 12 2007 03:54.47 CST
to reproduce the example, below is part of the source for the fuzzer. (only integers are fuzzed, added some code to trace stack accesses which is useless to this point).
The hooking.py is in paimei/utils

#Copyright (C) 2006 Thomas Pollet <[email protected]>

from pydbg import *    
from hooking import *
from pydbg import *
from random import *
from pydbg.defines import *
from pydbg.memory_snapshot_block import *
from pydbg import pydasm as pydasm

#numbers used for fuzzing
fnums=[ 0x100000000,
        0 ]

class fuzz_core(pydbg,pydbg_core):
    def __init__(self,fuzzer=None,num_loops=0,trace_stack=True):

    def hook(self,dll,func,num_args):
            Register which api to fuzz
        self.set_callback(EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT, self.set_hooks)

    def set_hooks (self,dbg):
            Here the hooks are set. The program needs to be running.
        if self.first_breakpoint:
                self.hook_container.add(self,self.hookadd, len(self.func_args), self.hook_entry, self.hook_return)
                #no hooks
        return DBG_CONTINUE
    def ignore(self):
            KiFastSystemCall screws up beyond imagination, hooking solves it
            Don't really understand, if you do, please enlighten me...
        self.hook_container.add(self,kifadd, 1 , lambda x,y:DBG_CONTINUE, lambda x,y,z:DBG_CONTINUE)
    def hook_entry (self,dbg,args=0):
            hook_entry saves the process state
        if self.loop_num == 0 :
            if self.trace_stack:
                #set stack protections to noaccess to 'implement' memory breakpoints
            self.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, self.stackguard)
    def hook_return (self,dbg,args,retval):
            hook_return resets the process state to be the same as before the api call
            ...ready for another round of fuzzing
        self.set_callback(EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP, self.ss)
        if self.loop_num != self.num_loops :
            self.loop_num += 1
    def stackguard(self,dbg):
            The stack pages are set to PAGE_NOACCESS so the access violation exception handler
            stackguard gets called if the api call needs info from the stack
        self.set_callback(EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP, self.afterstack)
        self.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, self.fuzz_exception_handler_access_violation)
        #print "eip1: ", pydasm.get_instruction_string(self.instruction, pydasm.FORMAT_INTEL, 0)
        if self.instruction.op2.type == pydasm.OPERAND_TYPE_MEMORY :
            #If the operand is in memory, the address is computed from a segment register
            #and any of the following values:
            #a base register, an index register, a scaling factor, a displacement.
            add=regs[op.basereg] + ( regs[op.indexreg] * op.scale ) + op.displacement
            #we are only interested in mem accesses outside api stack frame
            if add > self.stack_top :
        print "address: %i eip: %x %s" % ( (regval(op.basereg) + ( regval(op.indexreg) * op.scale ) + op.displacement ), self.context.Eip,( pydasm.get_instruction_string(self.instruction, pydasm.FORMAT_INTEL, 0), self.context.Eip ))
        return DBG_CONTINUE
    def afterstack(self,dbg):
        #print "eip2: ", pydasm.get_instruction_string(self.instruction, pydasm.FORMAT_INTEL, 0)
        self.set_callback(EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP, lambda x:DBG_CONTINUE )
        self.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, self.stackguard)
        self.set_callback(EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP, self.afterstack)
        return DBG_CONTINUE
    def fuzz_exception_handler_access_violation(self,dbg):
        print "!!Access Violation !!\neip : 0x%x" % self.context.Eip
    def stack_prot(self,prot=None):
            stack_prot switches protections on stack pages
        while stack_top <= self.stack_range()[0] :
            mbi = self.virtual_query(stack_top)
            mbi.Protect ^= PAGE_NOACCESS | PAGE_READWRITE
            if prot :
                mbi.Protect = prot
            self.virtual_protect(mbi.BaseAddress, page_size, mbi.Protect)
            stack_top += page_size

    def ss(self,dbg):
            single step exception handler used when the api is analysed (after first loop)
            default single step exception handler is reset
        self.set_callback(EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP, lambda x:DBG_CONTINUE )
        return DBG_CONTINUE
    def finish(self):
            print info gathered
        for h in self.stack_hits:
            print "stackhit : %x" % h
    def get_args(self):
            save the api call arguments
        for i in range(self.arg_threshold):
            if self.is_pointer(arg):

    def get_mem(self,arg):
            Save the memory blocks the pointer args are pointing to
            block = self.read(base , size )
        return block
    def fuzz_args(self):
            fuzzing routine: arguments are fuzzed
        wts=lambda x : chr((x & 0xff000000)>>24) + chr((x & 0xff0000)>>16) + \
                                     chr((x & 0xff00)>>8) + chr(x & 0xff)

        for i in range(self.arg_threshold):
            arg = self.func_args[i]
            arg_add = esp + 4 * i
            if self.is_pointer(arg):
                print 'arg %i is a pointer: 0x%08x' % (i+1,arg)
                print 'value : %s' % self.hex_dump(self.read(arg,4),arg)
            else: #argument is a number, fuzz it
                print "number: %s" % self.hex_dump(self.read(arg_add , 4 ),arg_add)
                print 'fuzzed : 0x%08x ' % fuzzed
                self.write(arg_add ,wts(fuzzed), 4 )
    def is_pointer(self,arg):
            determine if a value is a pointer into rw memory
            this function isn't fool proof, but it'll do for now

            mbi = self.virtual_query(arg)
            return False
        if not mbi.Protect & PAGE_READWRITE or arg > 0x70000000:
            return False
        return True


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